Truck tanks

We produce a wide range of tanks of various capacities suitable for transporting feed and grain and filling silos. Each tank is accompanied by a detailed technical data sheet showing the features, dimensions and peculiarities of each proposed model.

Truck tank with mechanic unloading

Mod. AG auger unloading wheeled tanks make it possible to transfer large quantities of feed and grain from a farm feed mill to storage silos in a short time. Product is loaded from the top through a side-sliding roof, and unloading is done with a 200 mm-diameter auger capable of reaching 8.5 m. in height and emptying a tank in about 20 minutes. Auger elevation and orientation can be manual or hydraulic, and a two-chamber version for transporting two different products can be made upon request. It is also possible to equip the tank with mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic braking systems.

Truck tank with pneumatic unloading

Unlike the previous ones, the pneumatic unloading wheeled tanks Mod. AP allow the transfer of feed through a pneumatic compression system operated by the tractor's PTO. Also for these models the product loading takes place from above through a lateral sliding roof, but in the lower part, the tank has a system composed of a compressor and rotary valve capable of filling silos up to 10 m. high with a variable capacity from 5000 to 7000 kg. /h. On request it is possible to equip the tank with mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic braking systems and also a two-chamber version can be made for the transport of two different products.

Tanks for truck

We also offer a range of removable tanks Mod. AF and Mod. AM suitable to be installed for use on a trailer available on the farm, and then removed and parked. The extraction auger can be driven by internal combustion engines or electric motors, at the customer's choice. The unloading height from the ground is about 8.5m. It is possible to divide the tank into two separate chambers to store and handle two different types of agricultural products.

Small carts

Mod. AD are designed for transporting and distributing feed to game or grazing animals. Loading is done from the top of the trailer, while
unloading by means of a short auger placed at the front or rear and driven by the tractor's PTO. Auger tilting is done manually, or with a double-acting hydraulic jack upon request.

Three different capacities are available for this model: 2 Mc., 3 Mc. and 4 Mc.

The advantages