Here is the AGRITECH news bulletin with all the articles collected in this 2020

We are pleased to announce that despite the difficulties and the economic situation of 2020, AGRITECH has managed to remain in line with the objectives of 2020, filing positive results both in terms of revenues achieved and in terms of the commercial and business goals.

Our production continued to stand at 4,500 silos per year and as our CEO, Mr. Floriano Zappettini, said, “It has been a very challenging year for all of us, but during the forced lockdown we had the opportunity to stop and reflect on our business and so two new Agritech products were born, as well as creating an online sales platform. These months have been proof that crises are getting better and better.” ».

Also in this 2020 Agritech’s strength has been that of diversification as it has been able to offer transversal products that could be used in all sectors of the primary sector: from cattle to pigs, from forestry to cuniculture, without forgetting niche sectors such as aquaculture.

We have certainly shown that we have not succumbed and bowed to all the difficulties and obstacles that have occurred during the year, but rather to reinvent ourselves and constantly engage with new strategies and initiatives by continuously improving our growth in line with agritech’sbusiness philosophy.

We invite you to view and discover the articles  of the various newspapers in the links below…

We wish you Happy Holidays and Happy 2021


Agritech: Storage & More

Dicono di noi 2020